How to get to 'le Refuge' on the Mont Lozère
GPS Coordinates :
3° 45' de longitude est
44° 27' de latitude nord
Arriving from the the south by Le Pont de Montvert : take the road direction Col de Finiels ; Station Bleymard/Mont Lozère (D 20). 4 km after the Col de Finiels, our accommodation is situated on the left in front of the parking of the ski ressort.
Arriving from the north by Le Bleymard : Take de road direction 'Station du Bleymard/Mont Lozère' (D 20).
Attention !!!
Le Refuge is part of the commune of Mas d'Orcières but is situated at about 6 km from the center of the village. Don't take the road to the village of Mas d'Orcières, but the road to 'Station du Bleymard/Mont Lozère' on the D20.